Tea & Make is this Saturday! Its going to so much fun! I and my friend Eva will be running our Fibres to Felt stall all day selling teacosies and felt kits, my teabag sculptures and book packs. Eva will also be selling some of her handprinted fabrics and some other textile bits.
We will be doing a special felting demo at some point during the afternoon so come and have a look! We might even get our feet wet and do a big wet felted rug...... we shall see how it goes.

There will be loads of other fantastic stalls and craft demos and workshops to join in with, as well as a great supply of tea and cakes! What more could you ask for?
Craft + Tea + Cake = One Awesome Day Out
See more info on their website: http://www.teaandmake.co.uk/
and their blog: http://teaandmake.blogspot.com/
[Whats really exciting is that Selvedge will be there, I love, love, love that magazine!]