Join me and learn about the history of felt and it's wonderful and creative properties. Over the day, we will go through a few felt making techniques:
Wet felt - the process of transforming pure wool fibres through water, soap, rubbing and rolling. I will also show you some decorative techniques.
Felt beads - how to make several types of felt beads.
Needle felting - how to needle felt onto flat fabric for decoration or an alternative to darning and the basics of building up a 3d needle felted form.
Cost: £55/£50 (for concessions)
Includes your own felt making starter pack and refreshments too.
Bring along a packed lunch or alternatively find something delicious on the market outside!
Book your ticket online here: http://beginnersfelt-eorg.eventbrite.com/ or contact Fabrications, 7 Broadway Market, Hackney, London : 020 7275 8043