So it has been a while. I have spent most of the year over
here studying for my MA in Book Arts, which is now just about over, the Private View of the show is tomorrow.
Apricot Moon: restarted |
Since installing my final work a week and a half ago I have been drawn back to textiles as a calming exercise. It may also have something to do with feeling the need for comfort.
At the same time as stitching, I have been catching up on my favourite stitch and cloth blogs, and finding some new ones, like Kathryn Clark
here. Her work is beautiful and interesting, and her website and blog are well worth a good rummage through.
Kathryn Clark: Idiom Series |
This is what I'm working on right now, but I'll tell you more about it another day:
Kevin's Cloth - WIP |
Kevin's Cloth - WIP |
Kevin's Cloth - WIP
For now, lets just say it is for healing and remembering. Glad to be back here, hope you haven't all forgotten me.